If you’ve enjoyed playing with Old Bolts, watching them, or you simply share our aim to keep football available to those who have left school or university and want to play solely for the love of the game, would you consider becoming a Patron of the Club?

All our players and helpers are amateurs and volunteers and we aim to make subscriptions cover the costs of playing, but we need to raise much more to maintain and improve the facilities at Turton. In round figures it takes about £20,000 to cover all our costs each season. Roughly half of that is paid directly from the playing members and broadly represents the match costs. The remainder comes from the generosity of our sponsors and through fundraising events and we try to direct that to the maintenance and improvement of the Club”s facilities.

The Old Boltonians Patron appeal fund

We are appealing to our former players and supporters in the hope that you might become a Patron and contribute to the development of the ground at Turton. The Club is now registered as a CASC (a Community Amateur Sports Club) and as such we can get assistance from the Government in recognition of our Community benefit. In essence donations attract tax relief and for every £100 we raise that way we receive an extra £25 from HMRC. Anybody paying higher rate tax can additionally claim £25 in tax credit themselves, so every £100 donated would give the Club £125 but cost the donor only £75.

What might you get out of being a Patron?

Well, in all honesty, only the knowledge that you are supporting a good cause! The tax concession is based on donors receiving no direct benefit, but a warm welcome at the ground for home games is always guaranteed. You will also have the knowledge that you are helping maintain and improve our facilities, not only for our own players, but for the school and college teams which use our ground for cup finals and special matches and events as part of our commitment to supporting the development of football in the wider community.

Gift Aid

Please consider a donation or a regular payment by Standing Order to become a patron. Don’t forget the government will add 25% to any donation if you are a tax payer, so don’t forget to complete the Gift Aid declaration. Please return the forms to Roger Milne by post or email at the addresses given. Alternatively you can make a donations via our “Just Giving” site by visiting www.justgiving.com/oldboltoniansafc and select ‘make a monthly donation’

You can downlad the form to become a Patron by clicking HERE

We are extremely grateful to the following Patrons - we are over half way to our total. Your help is very much appreciated.

Become a Patron